3 New Things To Implement Into Your Life For More Abundance (And 1 Thing To Give Up)!
It has been a year and as we reflect on the past 6-12 months, there have been many things that I have incorporated into my daily practice as well as eliminated. The ease and flow that surrounds it has allowed transformation for so many possibilities that I just had to share them.
Scheduling your tasks on the calendar. . . and actually doing them!
Now, this sounds like the easiest task to complete since you look at your calendar the night before, plan your day around work, family/life and love seizing the day right? BUT we know things come up that can totally mess up your schedule. Or does it?
When I look at my calendar for the week, I plan out the times that are for meditation, working out, getting ready, dedicated client times, content creation, eating, education and time to unwind. While this may sound like a lot, it really isn’t when you think about how many different things that you do in a day.
By implementing dedicated times even though being self-employed, there has been an uptick in productivity as the tasks are being completed THAT WEEK since they have a dedicated time to be worked on. No more stressing or resistance to pushing it off. Work on it, get it done and move onto the next thing. Little tasks create large movement towards your goals.
Treat your side-hustle like a job and it becomes your passion
So many of you have passions that you do on the side from your 9 to 5 BUT do you give it the attention it deserves? What? How can you tell me that I don’t give my passion the time it deserves to become a business? Who gave you the right to say that?
Well, I was asked this very question and had the SAME reaction that you did. I loved my side passion BUT I was squeezing it in when I had a few minutes and wasn’t giving it the time it truly deserved. If I wanted to obtain the goals that I wanted, I needed to treat my passion like a job and schedule time on the calendar. Did you see how this played into my first tip?
When it was put into this perspective, my focus changed. I knew what I wanted to do and I knew that if I dedicated time each week, my business would grow and it did! It doesn’t feel like work to share what I love and it feels great to be able to share more often.
Allow yourself to rest
An easy concept but not for one that has a mind that is always going and can never sit still. Corporate America re-wired my body and I was literally on call 24/7 and would never allow myself to rest. This was one of the many things that attributed to my stress, anxiety and other health issues. I was go, go, go until I passed out from exhaustion. I did this for 20 years and that is all I knew. Auto-pilot at it’s finest.
When I would feel tired and allow myself to rest, immediate guilt would set in that I should be doing something. Anxiety and stress would start to set in if I didn’t get up. As I continued on my journey to heal from the trauma of constantly on the move, my health and sleep improved. I no longer jumped the moment a notification came on my phone to complete a task. I’m not as easily triggered and take time to respond on my terms. It takes time to undo what used to be normal, give yourself grace and ease into the calm.
Say Bye Bye to Comparing Yourself to Others
This has to be the hardest thing to give up as it was in my life daily to “Keep up with the Jones’”. Having to constantly look at others to create satisfaction in your life and usually with material items or someone having more success at something than you.
What you don’t see is all the work and failures prior to what you see now. So many give up when they are so close because they are not like so and so. This has got to stop and was one of the many things I gladly left in the past. Everything that I do is for something that I am passionate about and I want others to share the good and the bad too. We all know the online world can appear perfect, but why fit in when you were born to stand out!
Creating new habits will allow you to be your true authentic self and to live your day with purpose. Abundance in health, less stress, more time with family, and living on my schedule have allowed my days to flow with more ease.
What’s something new that you’ve tried that you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them below!