Ready to be bathed in Sound?

Sound healing has been practiced for thousands of years, from times when the lapping of ocean waves was considered a source of healing to the chantings of Tibetan monks.

This type of therapy has recently gained popularity in western medicine as a result of studies conducted on its therapeutic value and people looking for alternatives to modern medicine. The first use of sound in healing dates back thousands of years

What Types of Sound Healing is Offered?

One on One

Experience personalized sound healing tailored to your unique needs and wellness goals. Through a blend of soothing sound bowls, harmonizing tuning forks, therapeutic essential oils, potent crystals, and energy work, embark on a transformative journey towards holistic balance and inner harmony.


Deepen your connection with a specialized sound healing session designed for couples. Focusing on the root, heart, and throat chakras, this session cultivates being rooted, building compassion, and open communication within the relationship. Immerse yourselves in the healing vibrations of sound bowls, tuning forks, essential oils, crystals, and energy work to nurture your bond and strengthen your connection.

Ready to Book Your Sound Session?

Group or Party

Elevate your gatherings with the transformative power with a group sound healing session. Whether it's celebrating a new moon, marking a full moon, commemorating a birthday, or reveling in a bachelorette party, these sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for collective healing and rejuvenation. Enhance the experience further by incorporating restorative yoga for a holistic wellness journey that nurtures mind, body, and spirit.

Client praise

I recently hosted a bachelorette party and searched through yelp for an instructor who could lead a fun flow for the group of ladies. I am so glad I found Amber! She made the experience so special for us all. She did a restorative practice, using essential oils on each of us to facilitate the moves. Amber was also so sweet to bring a beautifully wrapped gift for our bride, which included one of Amber's unique roller blends, a spray, and bath bombs. So grateful for that! We all loved her energy and attention to making sure everyone feels great throughout the practice.

- Kristen S

Amber has taught our teen daughter how great it is to be relaxed. She learned the correct yoga poses and takes her time to explain every pose and correct each student to have the right posture to prevent injury and to focus on their breath. Her place is absolutely gorgeous bringing you inspiration and calmness the moment you enter. I can't thank you enough on how much love she has created in our daughter's heart with yoga with calm, peace, good energy, relaxation and healthy habits for today and in her future. Thank you dear Amber!

- Rosamaria D

I highly recommend Ahimsa Soul & Amber. The location is peaceful and lovely. It's so nice to get away from the big studios or gyms to a small personal space for yoga. Amber has wonderful healing and rejuvenating energy. !

- Andi S